Well, its been a while since I signed on. Guess I haven't bonded with blogging. I seem to prefer musing in my head. I've had several thoughts about events over the past several days, but just didn't make it to the blog.
Chaos - the big argument about not leaving Iraq. It's hard to see that there could be much more chaos if we left. We are a major target of the insurgents. We are also a major justification for them being there. The pro-Iraqi insurgents would likely quit after we left. The outside terrorists would have to find a new way to target the U.S. Nothing gives us the right to make Iraq the place where we fight the terrorists who are after us. The remaining bathists would lose much of their support and could very likely be overpowered by remaining Iraqis. If so many people are signing up for the guard and the police in these terrible circumstances, how many more would join if they didn't work for the occupier. It took us 6 years to wake up in Vietnam, after Johnson admitted his failure - at least half the casualties came after that. Surely we can't repeat that tragedy. Had we left in '68, would anything be different over there, other than 10's of thousands of body bags and wounded? Go Cindy!
Islamic State -- Based on the constitutional meetings, it looks like our soldiers are going to end up protecting an Islamic state aligned with Iran. Talk about irony.