Friday, November 03, 2006

Will there be a November Suprise?

I certainly hope not, but I put nothing past this administration. What will they do if Congress has subpoena power?
I just read The Gag Rule: Supression of Dissent and Democracy, by Lewis Lapham. It was written in 2004 before the second stolen election, but it is just as right now and it was then. I can only hope we will take to the street if there is a third stolen election. More people are finally worried about the voting machines malfunctioning or being tampered with - but is it enough?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Not too good at blogging!

I'm not sure I'm ready for this century. Got bored almost as soon as I started. Not with the issues but of writing to myself about them. After a year, guess I'll try again.

Check this book out:

Did you ever wonder what might happen if, like Alice, you fell down a

hole and landed in a strange place?

A Political Satire by


Revised, Second Edition 2006

Foreword by Syndicated Columnist
John Nichols


Fact and Fantasy in the Bush Administration