Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Please Tell Me We Have Been Punk'd

Donald Trump has been nominated to be President of the United States. Sixty percent of America believes he is unfit to hold that office. Yet some number of them will vote for him anyway because he is not Hillary Clinton.

The Right Wing has accomplished what it started out ot do more than 25 years ago. They have delegitimized the Clintons. Almost every mention of Hillary in this contest has mentioned that she is considered untrustworthy, now the most untrustworthy candidate ever in the race. She is derided by her opponents as “crooked” and the many people who don't particularly like her have accepted that as a given. None of this has been proven. Even dozens of investigations have proven no real wrongdoing. She is no more untrustworthy or crooked than most of the men we have elected over two centuries. We can go over the scandals and deceits of so many of them point by point, but it doesn't matter. The impression has been imprinted and after all this time, not likely to be changed. Unlike the teflon that seemed to cover different “liked” politicians, she has been slimed and each time, some of it did not wash off. Never mind that up to two years ago she was among the most admired women in the world. Never mind that even her Republican colleagues could compliment her and work with her in the Senate when they weren't considering her Presidential opposition. Never mind that she has served the country for more than two decades. She is an opportunist because she is also ambitious and wanted to do these jobs. That is the ultimate sin apparently in a politician, at least a female one. So many people, while they believe she is competent, temperamentally suited for the job she clearly wants, either will not vote for her or will vote in the most grudgingly fashion possible even when her opponent is Donald Trump.

Unlike almost every politician who has run for office, Trump has been given a free pass by a substantial minority of America to say almost anything. He has been given a pass as a bully, charlatan, fascist, deceitful human being. The proof of these insults is out there. Many of his supporters even admit most of these facts. He's declared bankruptcy multiple times. He's involved in so many lawsuits over his business dealings most of us have lost count. He bullies those he can, and disparages those he cannot. There is little disagreement about this. Yet he receives 40% of the country's support. The fact that Hillary cannot breach that 40% is blamed on her. She is the problem as far as 20-40% of the rest assume. Young women are interviewed and they repeat the Republican talking points against her. Many Bernie supporters are adamant they won't vote for her because they don't like her Wall Street connections, and she will work within the system we have given her to do the job. They ignore the 25 years of mostly progressive or left of center positions she has taken on the environment, education, women's rights, reproductive rights, health. As Secretary of State she was highly respected around the world and at home for her untiring efforts on behalf of the country. None of that counts in this election.

The world is a dangerous and unsettled place. The world as we knew it in post WWII America is changing. Our country is changing. Many men feel under siege, economically and culturally. FOX News has provided many of them with scapegoats: Muslims, African Americans, illegal immigrants, uppity women. Those scapegoats are being personified by Hillary, the Democrat. Her husband signed NAFTA which kicked off the sucking sound of millions of jobs leaving our cities and country behind. Never mind the GOP has been the party of free trade forever. The Clintons are the Democrats that made it happen.

In more normal political times, her position on issues such as NAFTA would be criticized. Her hawkishness on foreign policy would be attacked. Her ties to Wall Street would be raised. These are legitimate issues to be concerned with. In normal times, she would be weighed against an opponent who held similar views on those issues and compared to that opponent on the positive values she also possesses. But these are not normal political times. Those who don't want to vote for Hillary, for whatever reason, use these as the excuse. They exclaim in their high and mighty principles, they are through voting for the lesser of two EVILS. They will not vote, or they will vote for a third party who cannot win under our electoral system. And on November 9th, they may wake up to a Trump Presidency just as UK woke up to BREXIT, and say we were mislead, we didn't understand. Many young people were outraged that the vote went against their future, but many of them didn't vote to remain. We may have the same result here. There are no do overs.

The fact is there are no perfect candidates. There are people who are more or less qualified. There are people who we agree with on some things, strongly disagree on others. There are people we like and people we find off putting. But there are two choices in this election. You can choose a very qualified, but flawed candidate who will make a reasonable President. That candidate will accomplish some things you support and some you do not. The Presidency may be very successful or not; but it will not result in a roll back of so many progressive accomplishments made over the last 50 years. The election of Trump and his VP will have the opposite effect. With a GOP Senate and House, the country we have in 4 years will not be the country we have today and hope to have tomorrow. It will establish a reactionary Supreme Court for decades to come. It will roll back protections of equality, any progress on inequality, and issue in an era of open bigotry and hate against those who aren't “America” . And all those angry, resentful, disadvantaged, put upon white people who voted for Trump knowing he was unfit but too angry to care will be as much losers of a Trump administration as the people who believe in the principles of the Democratic Party as written in the platform even though not practiced in large measure in our flawed political system. But instead of progressing by inches and feet we will roll back that progress and create an even more angry and aggrieved populace in an angry and aggrieved world full of weapons and people who are willing to use them.

No wonder I can't sleep.