Monday, January 04, 2010

Peter principle at DHS, CIA, NIA?

I've been puzzling over the Christmas underpants bomber [I think ridicule is much more effective than fear] and why he wasn't secondarily screened. The reason came to me and awakened me out of a deep sleep. JM from work who spent millions and produced nothing. They have someone like him overseeing the terror databases who has the same inability to see his limitations with computers but barges forward anyway, refusing advice and assistance, wasting billions and getting nothing in return, while his boss is oblivious to his weaknesses. What else explains the inability of the TSA/Airlines to match passenger lists to the terror database [sssss how many are there, when there should be just one?] Maybe they don't want the best people doing the job because then the costs might de-escalate instead of always going up. How much good will could we have bought in Yemen by spending $127 million on the population instead of bombs, and guns and ammo. But the war industry wouldn't have made any profit. Can I be right?

Have you tried -- its a quicken kind of service on line. This [free] service provides an alert to your phone or email everytime a transaction occurs that is outside the perameters you provide, like exceeding your budget for widgets. If someone can create this for millions of people making billions of transactions a day why couldn't they match 1 million people or 500K people [from the reports its hard to know whether there are two large databases or one is a subset of the other] to the passenger lists and pull aside anyone who sets off an alert. But if JM were managing the databases they would just break down or put out garbage.

I now realize how insane this note is and I will likely not send it but I had to put it down in writing to get it out of my head.

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